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“Lo que l@s permacultor@s están haciendo es la actividad más importante que ningún otro grupo esté haciendo en el planeta. No sabemos cuáles van a ser los detalles de un futuro verdaderamente sostenible, pero necesitamos opciones, necesitamos personas experimentando todos los
tipos de posibilidades y l@s permacultor@s son uno de los grupos cruciales que lo están haciendo." 

David T. Suzuki
Académico canadiense, locutor de ciencia y activista del medio ambiente



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Pon o consulta aquí sobre cosas que ya sucedieron en el mundo de la permacultura


Publicaciones específicas sobre temas de permacultura

Nuestra oferta formativa

Cambium ofrece una oferta de formación variada en permacultura, fruto de más de 20 años de experiencia en el sector.
25.347MBMemory Usage2.61sRequest Duration
Joomla! Version5.2.2
PHP Version8.1.31
Conn Collation
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    1 x beforeRenderModule mod_breadcrumbs (Breadcrumbs) (704B) (0%)
    1 x beforeRenderModule mod_custom (david-suzuki-pc) (720B) (0%)
49 statements were executed, 16 of which were duplicates, 33 unique83.4ms162.44KB
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  • SELECT id FROM joom4x_menu WHERE (link LIKE 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&Itemid=' OR link LIKE 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&view=categories' ) AND published = 1 AND client_id = 0 AND access IN (1,5)673μs3.34KB/components/com_jdownloads/src/Helper/JDHelper.php:310Copy
  • SELECT id FROM joom4x_menu WHERE (link LIKE 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&Itemid=' OR link LIKE 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&view=categories' ) AND published = 1 AND client_id = 0 AND language = 'es-es' AND access IN (1,5)405μs840B/components/com_jdownloads/src/Helper/JDHelper.php:359Copy
  • SELECT id FROM joom4x_menu WHERE (link LIKE 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&Itemid=' OR link LIKE 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&view=categories' ) AND published = 1 AND client_id = 0 AND access IN (1,5)517μs856B/components/com_jdownloads/src/Helper/JDHelper.php:364Copy
  • SELECT id FROM joom4x_menu WHERE link = 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&view=search' AND published = 1 AND client_id = 0 AND access IN (1,5)372μs840B/components/com_jdownloads/src/Helper/JDHelper.php:378Copy
  • SELECT id FROM joom4x_menu WHERE link = 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&view=form&layout=edit' AND published = 1 AND client_id = 0 AND access IN (1,5)525μs840B/components/com_jdownloads/src/Helper/JDHelper.php:383Copy
  • SELECT id, link from joom4x_menu WHERE link LIKE 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&view=category&catid%' AND published = 1 AND access IN (1,5)536μs896B/components/com_jdownloads/src/Helper/JDHelper.php:415Copy
  • SELECT `c`.`id`,`c`.`asset_id`,`c`.`access`,`c`.`alias`,`c`.`checked_out`,`c`.`checked_out_time`,`c`.`created_time`,`c`.`created_user_id`,`c`.`description`,`c`.`extension`,`c`.`hits`,`c`.`language`,`c`.`level`,`c`.`lft`,`c`.`metadata`,`c`.`metadesc`,`c`.`metakey`,`c`.`modified_time`,`c`.`note`,`c`.`params`,`c`.`parent_id`,`c`.`path`,`c`.`published`,`c`.`rgt`,`c`.`title`,`c`.`modified_user_id`,`c`.`version`, CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(`c`.`alias`) != 0 THEN CONCAT_WS(':', `c`.`id`, `c`.`alias`) ELSE `c`.`id` END as `slug` FROM `joom4x_categories` AS `s` INNER JOIN `joom4x_categories` AS `c` ON (`s`.`lft` <= `c`.`lft` AND `c`.`lft` < `s`.`rgt`) OR (`c`.`lft` < `s`.`lft` AND `s`.`rgt` < `c`.`rgt`) WHERE (`c`.`extension` = :extension OR `c`.`extension` = 'system') AND `c`.`access` IN (:preparedArray1,:preparedArray2) AND `c`.`published` = 1 AND `s`.`id` = :id ORDER BY `c`.`lft`674μs5.17KBParams/libraries/src/Categories/Categories.php:375Copy
  • SELECT DISTINCT a.id, a.title, a.name, a.checked_out, a.checked_out_time, a.note, a.state, a.access, a.created_time, a.created_user_id, a.ordering, a.language, a.fieldparams, a.params, a.type, a.default_value, a.context, a.group_id, a.label, a.description, a.required, a.only_use_in_subform,l.title AS language_title, l.image AS language_image,uc.name AS editor,ag.title AS access_level,ua.name AS author_name,g.title AS group_title, g.access as group_access, g.state AS group_state, g.note as group_note FROM joom4x_fields AS a LEFT JOIN `joom4x_languages` AS l ON l.lang_code = a.language LEFT JOIN joom4x_users AS uc ON uc.id=a.checked_out LEFT JOIN joom4x_viewlevels AS ag ON ag.id = a.access LEFT JOIN joom4x_users AS ua ON ua.id = a.created_user_id LEFT JOIN joom4x_fields_groups AS g ON g.id = a.group_id LEFT JOIN `joom4x_fields_categories` AS fc ON fc.field_id = a.id WHERE ( (`a`.`context` = :context AND (`fc`.`category_id` IS NULL OR `fc`.`category_id` IN (:preparedArray1,:preparedArray2,:preparedArray3)) AND `a`.`access` IN (:preparedArray4,:preparedArray5)) AND (`a`.`group_id` = 0 OR `g`.`access` IN (:preparedArray6,:preparedArray7)) AND `a`.`state` = :state) AND (`a`.`group_id` = 0 OR `g`.`state` = :gstate) AND `a`.`only_use_in_subform` = :only_use_in_subform ORDER BY a.ordering ASC2.7ms6.06KBParams/libraries/src/MVC/Model/BaseDatabaseModel.php:164Copy
  • SELECT `folderid`, `foldertime`, `entitytag` FROM `joom4x_sigplus_folder` WHERE `folderurl` = '/mnt/home3_1/permacul/domains/permacultura-es.org/public_html/Joomla4/images/stories/CDPs/FormacionCanBosc/Intro'1.3ms976B/plugins/content/sigplus/core/core.php:3119Copy
  • SELECT viewid FROM joom4x_sigplus_view WHERE folderid = 1 AND hash = 0x266093f65bf28e8da5c2b1b0db950cfb1.1ms856B/plugins/content/sigplus/core/core.php:1229Copy
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  • SELECT i.`imageid`, i.`fileurl`, i.`width`, i.`height`, i.`filesize`, COALESCE( c.`title`, ( SELECT md.`textvalue` FROM `joom4x_sigplus_property` AS mp INNER JOIN `joom4x_sigplus_data` AS md ON mp.`propertyid` = md.`propertyid` WHERE mp.`propertyname` = 'Headline' AND md.`imageid` = i.`imageid` LIMIT 1 ), ( SELECT md.`textvalue` FROM `joom4x_sigplus_property` AS mp INNER JOIN `joom4x_sigplus_data` AS md ON mp.`propertyid` = md.`propertyid` WHERE mp.`propertyname` = 'Object Name' AND md.`imageid` = i.`imageid` LIMIT 1 ), ( SELECT p.`title` FROM `joom4x_sigplus_foldercaption` AS p WHERE p.`langid` = 40 AND p.`countryid` = 59 AND i.`filename` LIKE p.`pattern` AND i.`folderid` = p.`folderid` ORDER BY p.`priority` LIMIT 1 ) ) AS `title`, COALESCE( c.`summary`, ( SELECT md.`textvalue` FROM `joom4x_sigplus_property` AS mp INNER JOIN `joom4x_sigplus_data` AS md ON mp.`propertyid` = md.`propertyid` WHERE mp.`propertyname` = 'Caption-Abstract' AND md.`imageid` = i.`imageid` LIMIT 1 ), ( SELECT p.`summary` FROM `joom4x_sigplus_foldercaption` AS p WHERE p.`langid` = 40 AND p.`countryid` = 59 AND i.`filename` LIKE p.`pattern` AND i.`folderid` = p.`folderid` ORDER BY p.`priority` LIMIT 1 ) ) AS `summary`, `thumb_fileurl`, `thumb_width`, `thumb_height`, `preview_fileurl`, `preview_width`, `preview_height`, `retina_fileurl`, `retina_width`, `retina_height`, `watermark_fileurl` FROM `joom4x_sigplus_image` AS i INNER JOIN `joom4x_sigplus_folder` AS f ON i.`folderid` = f.`folderid` INNER JOIN `joom4x_sigplus_hierarchy` AS h ON f.`folderid` = h.`descendantid` INNER JOIN `joom4x_sigplus_folder` AS a ON a.`folderid` = h.`ancestorid` INNER JOIN `joom4x_sigplus_imageview` AS v ON i.`imageid` = v.`imageid` LEFT JOIN `joom4x_sigplus_caption` AS c ON c.`imageid` = i.`imageid` AND c.`langid` = 40 AND c.`countryid` = 59 WHERE a.`folderurl` = '/mnt/home3_1/permacul/domains/permacultura-es.org/public_html/Joomla4/images/stories/CDPs/FormacionCanBosc/Intro' AND `viewid` = 1 AND `depthnum` <= 0 ORDER BY `depthnum` ASC, -`ordnum` DESC, `filename` ASC6.92ms3.64KB/plugins/content/sigplus/core/core.php:3368Copy
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  • SELECT viewid FROM joom4x_sigplus_view WHERE folderid = 2 AND hash = 0x80b158a86f849ec3cc69aaae92ba3b60231μs11.84KB/plugins/content/sigplus/core/core.php:1229Copy
  • SELECT i.`fileurl`, i.`imageid` FROM `joom4x_sigplus_image` AS i INNER JOIN `joom4x_sigplus_folder` AS f ON i.`folderid` = f.`folderid` INNER JOIN `joom4x_sigplus_hierarchy` AS h ON f.`folderid` = h.`descendantid` WHERE h.`ancestorid` = 2 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM `joom4x_sigplus_imageview` AS v WHERE i.`imageid` = v.`imageid` AND v.`viewid` = 2) AND depthnum <= 0440μs896B/plugins/content/sigplus/core/core.php:1845Copy
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  • SELECT `countryid` FROM `joom4x_sigplus_country` WHERE `country` = 'ES'114μs856B/plugins/content/sigplus/core/core.php:344Copy
  • SELECT i.`imageid`, i.`fileurl`, i.`width`, i.`height`, i.`filesize`, COALESCE( c.`title`, ( SELECT md.`textvalue` FROM `joom4x_sigplus_property` AS mp INNER JOIN `joom4x_sigplus_data` AS md ON mp.`propertyid` = md.`propertyid` WHERE mp.`propertyname` = 'Headline' AND md.`imageid` = i.`imageid` LIMIT 1 ), ( SELECT md.`textvalue` FROM `joom4x_sigplus_property` AS mp INNER JOIN `joom4x_sigplus_data` AS md ON mp.`propertyid` = md.`propertyid` WHERE mp.`propertyname` = 'Object Name' AND md.`imageid` = i.`imageid` LIMIT 1 ), ( SELECT p.`title` FROM `joom4x_sigplus_foldercaption` AS p WHERE p.`langid` = 40 AND p.`countryid` = 59 AND i.`filename` LIKE p.`pattern` AND i.`folderid` = p.`folderid` ORDER BY p.`priority` LIMIT 1 ) ) AS `title`, COALESCE( c.`summary`, ( SELECT md.`textvalue` FROM `joom4x_sigplus_property` AS mp INNER JOIN `joom4x_sigplus_data` AS md ON mp.`propertyid` = md.`propertyid` WHERE mp.`propertyname` = 'Caption-Abstract' AND md.`imageid` = i.`imageid` LIMIT 1 ), ( SELECT p.`summary` FROM `joom4x_sigplus_foldercaption` AS p WHERE p.`langid` = 40 AND p.`countryid` = 59 AND i.`filename` LIKE p.`pattern` AND i.`folderid` = p.`folderid` ORDER BY p.`priority` LIMIT 1 ) ) AS `summary`, `thumb_fileurl`, `thumb_width`, `thumb_height`, `preview_fileurl`, `preview_width`, `preview_height`, `retina_fileurl`, `retina_width`, `retina_height`, `watermark_fileurl` FROM `joom4x_sigplus_image` AS i INNER JOIN `joom4x_sigplus_folder` AS f ON i.`folderid` = f.`folderid` INNER JOIN `joom4x_sigplus_hierarchy` AS h ON f.`folderid` = h.`descendantid` INNER JOIN `joom4x_sigplus_folder` AS a ON a.`folderid` = h.`ancestorid` INNER JOIN `joom4x_sigplus_imageview` AS v ON i.`imageid` = v.`imageid` LEFT JOIN `joom4x_sigplus_caption` AS c ON c.`imageid` = i.`imageid` AND c.`langid` = 40 AND c.`countryid` = 59 WHERE a.`folderurl` = '/mnt/home3_1/permacul/domains/permacultura-es.org/public_html/Joomla4/images/stories/CDPs/FormacionCanBosc' AND `viewid` = 2 AND `depthnum` <= 0 ORDER BY `depthnum` ASC, -`ordnum` DESC, `filename` ASC1.44ms3.7KB/plugins/content/sigplus/core/core.php:3368Copy
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  • SELECT `c`.`id`,`c`.`asset_id`,`c`.`access`,`c`.`alias`,`c`.`checked_out`,`c`.`checked_out_time`,`c`.`created_time`,`c`.`created_user_id`,`c`.`description`,`c`.`extension`,`c`.`hits`,`c`.`language`,`c`.`level`,`c`.`lft`,`c`.`metadata`,`c`.`metadesc`,`c`.`metakey`,`c`.`modified_time`,`c`.`note`,`c`.`params`,`c`.`parent_id`,`c`.`path`,`c`.`published`,`c`.`rgt`,`c`.`title`,`c`.`modified_user_id`,`c`.`version`, CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(`c`.`alias`) != 0 THEN CONCAT_WS(':', `c`.`id`, `c`.`alias`) ELSE `c`.`id` END as `slug` FROM `joom4x_categories` AS `s` INNER JOIN `joom4x_categories` AS `c` ON (`s`.`lft` <= `c`.`lft` AND `c`.`lft` < `s`.`rgt`) OR (`c`.`lft` < `s`.`lft` AND `s`.`rgt` < `c`.`rgt`) WHERE (`c`.`extension` = :extension OR `c`.`extension` = 'system') AND `c`.`access` IN (:preparedArray1,:preparedArray2) AND `c`.`published` = 1 AND `s`.`id` = :id ORDER BY `c`.`lft`813μs5.17KBParams/libraries/src/Categories/Categories.php:375Copy
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  • SELECT DISTINCT a.id, a.title, a.name, a.checked_out, a.checked_out_time, a.note, a.state, a.access, a.created_time, a.created_user_id, a.ordering, a.language, a.fieldparams, a.params, a.type, a.default_value, a.context, a.group_id, a.label, a.description, a.required, a.only_use_in_subform,l.title AS language_title, l.image AS language_image,uc.name AS editor,ag.title AS access_level,ua.name AS author_name,g.title AS group_title, g.access as group_access, g.state AS group_state, g.note as group_note FROM joom4x_fields AS a LEFT JOIN `joom4x_languages` AS l ON l.lang_code = a.language LEFT JOIN joom4x_users AS uc ON uc.id=a.checked_out LEFT JOIN joom4x_viewlevels AS ag ON ag.id = a.access LEFT JOIN joom4x_users AS ua ON ua.id = a.created_user_id LEFT JOIN joom4x_fields_groups AS g ON g.id = a.group_id WHERE ( (`a`.`context` = :context AND `a`.`access` IN (:preparedArray1,:preparedArray2)) AND (`a`.`group_id` = 0 OR `g`.`access` IN (:preparedArray3,:preparedArray4)) AND `a`.`state` = :state) AND (`a`.`group_id` = 0 OR `g`.`state` = :gstate) AND `a`.`only_use_in_subform` = :only_use_in_subform ORDER BY a.ordering ASC2.58ms5.31KBParams/libraries/src/MVC/Model/BaseDatabaseModel.php:164Copy
  • SELECT guest, client_id FROM joom4x_session WHERE client_id = 0561μs1.75KB/modules/mod_whosonline/src/Helper/WhosonlineHelper.php:51Copy
  • SELECT `a`.`username`,`a`.`userid`,`a`.`client_id` FROM `joom4x_session` AS `a` WHERE `a`.`userid` != 0 AND `a`.`client_id` = 0 GROUP BY `a`.`username`,`a`.`userid`,`a`.`client_id`774μs960B/modules/mod_whosonline/src/Helper/WhosonlineHelper.php:115Copy
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  • SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE table_type="BASE TABLE"5.18ms4.88KB/libraries/vendor/joomla/database/src/Mysqli/MysqliDriver.php:635Copy
  • SELECT `c`.`id`,`c`.`asset_id`,`c`.`access`,`c`.`alias`,`c`.`checked_out`,`c`.`checked_out_time`,`c`.`created_time`,`c`.`created_user_id`,`c`.`description`,`c`.`extension`,`c`.`hits`,`c`.`language`,`c`.`level`,`c`.`lft`,`c`.`metadata`,`c`.`metadesc`,`c`.`metakey`,`c`.`modified_time`,`c`.`note`,`c`.`params`,`c`.`parent_id`,`c`.`path`,`c`.`published`,`c`.`rgt`,`c`.`title`,`c`.`modified_user_id`,`c`.`version`, CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(`c`.`alias`) != 0 THEN CONCAT_WS(':', `c`.`id`, `c`.`alias`) ELSE `c`.`id` END as `slug` FROM `joom4x_categories` AS `s` INNER JOIN `joom4x_categories` AS `c` ON (`s`.`lft` <= `c`.`lft` AND `c`.`lft` < `s`.`rgt`) OR (`c`.`lft` < `s`.`lft` AND `s`.`rgt` < `c`.`rgt`) WHERE (`c`.`extension` = :extension OR `c`.`extension` = 'system') AND `c`.`access` IN (:preparedArray1,:preparedArray2) AND `c`.`published` = 1 AND `s`.`id` = :id ORDER BY `c`.`lft`1.11ms5.16KBParams/libraries/src/Categories/Categories.php:375Copy
  • SELECT `c`.`id`,`c`.`asset_id`,`c`.`access`,`c`.`alias`,`c`.`checked_out`,`c`.`checked_out_time`,`c`.`created_time`,`c`.`created_user_id`,`c`.`description`,`c`.`extension`,`c`.`hits`,`c`.`language`,`c`.`level`,`c`.`lft`,`c`.`metadata`,`c`.`metadesc`,`c`.`metakey`,`c`.`modified_time`,`c`.`note`,`c`.`params`,`c`.`parent_id`,`c`.`path`,`c`.`published`,`c`.`rgt`,`c`.`title`,`c`.`modified_user_id`,`c`.`version`, CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(`c`.`alias`) != 0 THEN CONCAT_WS(':', `c`.`id`, `c`.`alias`) ELSE `c`.`id` END as `slug` FROM `joom4x_categories` AS `s` INNER JOIN `joom4x_categories` AS `c` ON (`s`.`lft` <= `c`.`lft` AND `c`.`lft` < `s`.`rgt`) OR (`c`.`lft` < `s`.`lft` AND `s`.`rgt` < `c`.`rgt`) WHERE (`c`.`extension` = :extension OR `c`.`extension` = 'system') AND `c`.`access` IN (:preparedArray1,:preparedArray2) AND `c`.`published` = 1 AND `s`.`id` = :id ORDER BY `c`.`lft`968μs5.17KBParams/libraries/src/Categories/Categories.php:375Copy
  • SELECT `session_id` FROM `joom4x_session` WHERE `session_id` = ?509μs1.63KBParams/libraries/vendor/joomla/session/src/Handler/DatabaseHandler.php:277Copy
  • UPDATE `joom4x_session` SET `data` = ? , `time` = ? WHERE `session_id` = ?1.36ms912BParams/libraries/vendor/joomla/session/src/Handler/DatabaseHandler.php:301Copy